
Taking into account that in the modern value system, personnel are in the first place, BLC education and academic development of experts capable of solving professional problems, strives to achieve through the active role and mutual communication of teachers and students in the realization of a quality study program.

The study programs were created and the organization of studies, set up to attract high school students who want to develop the knowledge and skills necessary to gain a competitive advantage in the labor market.

The enrollment of high-quality students contributes to the realization of the principles of quality assurance and study efficiency. BLC has established a Quality Assurance System provided for by the Quality Assurance Rulebook and the Rulebook on Self-Evaluation and Quality Assessment, which enables the implementation of the BLC Quality Strategy. The quality assurance strategy was adopted by the Senate in 2008 and 2012.

According to this strategy, as well as the general acts of the BLC that regulate quality assurance, academic staff and students are active subjects in the evaluation of quality and the affirmation of a higher education institution that fulfills its role. All employees and others employed at BLC, as well as students, are responsible for implementing the quality policy, as well as for making proposals for further improvement of the Quality Management System.


  1. Report on self-evaluation and evaluation of the quality of study programs, teaching and working conditions for the school year 2011/2012

  2. Report on self-evaluation and evaluation of the quality of study programs, teaching and working conditions for the school year 2012/2013

  3. Report on self-evaluation and evaluation of the quality of study programs, teaching and working conditions for the school year 2013/2014

  4. Report on self-evaluation and evaluation of the quality of study programs, teaching and working conditions for the 2014/2015 school year

  5. Report on self-evaluation and evaluation of the quality of study programs, teaching and working conditions for the 2015/2016 school year

  6. Report on self-evaluation and assessment of the quality of study programs, teaching and working conditions for the 2016/2017 school year

  7. Report on self-evaluation and assessment of the quality of study programs, teaching and working conditions for the 2017/2018 school year

  8. Report on self-evaluation and assessment of the quality of the study program Management, Business and Business Economics for the academic year 2016/2017. year

  9. Report on self-evaluation and assessment of the quality of the computer science study program for the school year 2016/2017
  10. Report on self-evaluation and quality assessment of the management, business and business economics study program for the 2017/2018 school year
  11. Report on self-evaluation and evaluation of the quality of study programs, teaching and working conditions for the 2018/2019 school year
  12. Report on self-evaluation and assessment of the quality of study programs, teaching and working conditions for the 2019/2020 school year
  13. Report on self-evaluation and evaluation of the quality of study programs, teaching and working conditions for the 2020/2021 school year
  14. Report on self-evaluation and assessment of the quality of the Graphic Design and Visual Communications study program for the 2018/2019, 2019/2020 and 2020/2021 school years
  15. Report on self-evaluation and quality assessment of the management, business and business economics study program for the 2018/2019, 2019/2020 and 2020/2021 school years
  16. Report on self-evaluation and quality assessment of the study program graphic design and visual communication for the school year 2018/2019, 2019/2020 and 2020/2021
  17. Report on self-evaluation and assessment of the quality of the computer science study program for the school year 2018/2019, 2019/2020 and 2020/2021


  1. Pravilnik o prepisu studenata i priznavanju položenih ispita
  2. Rulebook of studies
  3. Rulebook on student enrollment
  4. Rulebook on the use of information and communication technologies

  5. Rulebook on ECTS credits

  6. Regulations on examinations

– Rulebook on amendments to the Rulebook on examinations

  1. Rulebook on the selection of academic staff
  1. Rulebook on publishing and textbooks

  2. Rulebook on amending the rulebook on mobility
  3. Rulebook on education and training

  4. Rulebook on quality assurance

  5. Rulebook on Amendments to the Rulebook on Quality Assurance
  6. Rulebook on the procedure for defending a bachelor's thesis

- Rulebook on the amendment of the Rulebook on the defense of a bachelor's thesis

  1. Rulebook on transcripts and recognition of exams

  2. Rulebook on library work

  3. Regulations on work

  4. Rulebook on self-evaluation and quality assessment

  5. Rulebook on amending the Rulebook on self-evaluation
  6. Rulebook on internal organization and systematization

  7. Rulebook on student enrollment

Rulebook on amendments to the Rulebook on Student Enrollment

  1. Rulebook of studies

- Rulebook on amending the study rulebook II

Rulebook on amendments to the Study Rulebook

Izmjena i dopuna Pravilnika studija

  1. Rules on how to conduct studies
  2. Work plan on the subject
  3. BLC dress and behavior code
  4. BLC student reward regulations
  5. Rulebook on disciplinary responsibility of students
  6. Rulebook on the work of the Alumni Club
  7. Rulebook on part-time studies
  8. BLC Code of Ethics
  9. Rulebook on disciplinary and material liability of workers
  10. Rulebook on quality assurance
  11. Rulebook on publishing activity
  12. Rulebook on the use of ICT resources
  13. Pravilnik o cjeloživotnom učenju
  14. Pravilnik o mobilnosti studenata, nastavnog i nenastavnog osoblja


Survey - days of practice

  1. Anketa – dani prakse 2022-2023
  2. Anketa – dani prakse 2022
  3. Survey - practice days 2019
  4. Survey - practice days 2018

Employee survey

  1. Anketa zaposlenih o opstim uslovima rada 2022-2023
  2. Anketa zaposlenih 2021-2022
  3. Employee survey 2020-2021
  4. Employee survey 2019-2020
  5. Employee survey 2018-2019
  6. Employee surveys 2017-2018

Student survey on the teaching process

  1. Anketa o nastavnom procesu BLC 2022-2023 – ljetnji semestar
  2. Anketa o nastavnom procesu BLC 2022-2023 – zimski semestar
  3. Anketa o nastavnom procesu GD 2022-2023 – ljetnji semestar
  4. Anketa o nastavnom procesu GD 2022-2023 – zimski semestar
  5. Anketa o nastavnom procesu INF 2022-2023 – ljetnji semestar
  6. Anketa o nastavnom procesu INF 2022-2023 – zimski semestar
  7. Anketa o nastavnom procesu MPPE 2022-2023 – ljetnji semestar
  8. Anketa o nastavnom procesu MPPE 2022-2023 – zimski semestar
  9. Anketa o nastavnom procesu GD 2021-2022 – ljetnji semestar
  10. Anketa o nastavnom procesu GD 2021-2022 – zimski semestar
  11. Anketa o nastavnom procesu INF 2021-2022 – ljetnji semestar
  12. Anketa o nastavnom procesu INF 2021-2022 – zimski semestar
  13. Anketa o nastavnom procesu MPPE 2021-2022 – ljetnji semestar
  14. Anketa o nastavnom procesu MPPE 2021-2022 – zimski semestar
  15. Anketa o nastavnom procesu BLC 2021-2022 – ljetnji semestar
  16. Anketa o nastavnom procesu BLC 2021-2022 – zimski semestar
  17. Student survey on the teaching process 2020-2021 winter
  18. Student survey about the teaching process 2020-2021 summer
  19. Student survey about the teaching process 2019-2020 winter
  20. Student survey about the teaching process 2019-2020 summer
  21. Student survey on the teaching process 2018-2019
  22. Student survey about the teaching process 2017-2018 summer

Survey of non-teaching staff

  1. Anketa o nenastavnom osoblju BLC 2022-2023
  2. Anketa o nenastavnom osoblju GD 2022-2023
  3. Anketa o nenastavnom osoblju INF 2022-2023
  4. Anketa o nenastavnom osoblju MPPE 2022-2023
  5. Anketa o nenastavnom osoblju GD 2021-2022
  6. Anketa o nenastavnom osoblju INF 2021-2022
  7. Anketa o nenastavnom osoblju MPPE 2021-2022
  8. Anketa o nenastavnom osoblju BLC 2021-2022
  9. Survey on non-teaching staff 2020-2021
  10. Survey on non-teaching staff 2019-2020 winter
  11. Survey on non-teaching staff 2019-2020 summer
  12. Survey on non-teaching staff 2018-2019
  13. Non-Teaching Staff Survey 2017-2018

Survey on the quality of published information

  1. Anketa o kvalitetu objavljenih informacija 2022-2023
  2. Anketa o kvalitetu objavljenih informacija 2021-2022
  3. Survey on the quality of published information 2020-2021
  4. Survey on the quality of published information 2019-2020
  5. Survey on the quality of published information 2018-2019
  6. Survey on the quality of published information 2017-2018

Survey of newly enrolled BLC students

  1. Anketa novoupisanih studenata BLC 2022-2023
  2. Anketa novoupisanih studenata GD 2022-2023
  3. Anketa novoupisanih studenata INF 2022-2023
  4. Anketa novoupisanih studenata MPPE 2022-2023
  5. Anketa novoupisanih studenata GD 2021-2022
  6. Anketa novoupisanih studenata INF 2021-2022
  7. Anketa novoupisanih studenata MPPE 2021-2022
  8. Anketa novoupisanih studenata BLC 2021-2022
  9. Survey of newly enrolled BLC students - 2020-2021
  10. Survey of newly enrolled BLC students - 2019-2020
  11. Survey of newly enrolled BLC students - 2018-2019
  12. Survey of newly enrolled BLC students - 2016-2017

Survey of graduate students

  1. Anketa diplomiranih studenata 2023
  2. Anketa diplomiranih studenata 2022
  3. 2021 Graduate Student Survey
  4. Graduate Student Survey 2020
  5. Survey of graduate students 2019
  6. Graduate Student Survey 2018

Alumni Club Poll

  1. Anketa alumni kluba 2023
  2. Anketa alumni kluba 2022
  3. Alumni Club Survey 2021
  4. Alumni Club Survey 2019
  5. Alumni Club Survey 2018

Takmičenje Challenge

  1. Anketa za učesnike takmičenja Challenge 2023

Survey - mini Olympics

  1. Survey - Mini Olympics 2019
  2. Survey - Mini Olympics 2018

Anketa o aktuelnim pitanjima

  1. Survey - Mini Olympics 2018

Anketa o potrebama za dodatnim edukacijama

  1. Anketa o potrebama za dodatnim edukacijama 2023
  2. Anketa o potrebama za dodatnim edukacijama 2022

Anketa zaposlenih o uslovima rada na BLC-u

  1. Anketa o uslovima rada na BLC-u 2023

Anketa o kvalitetu naučno-istraživačkog rada

  1. Anketa o kvalitetu naučno-istraživačkog rada – 2022-2023
Anketa poslodavaca koji zapošljavaju alumnije BLC-a. 
  1. Anketa poslodavaca koji zaposljavaju alumnije BLC – 2022
  2. Anketa poslodavaca koji zaposljavaju alumnije BLC – 2023
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