The Lanaco summer internship is intended for students of technical faculties interested in mobile and web development. The Lanaco summer internship will take place from July 25 to August 19, 2022, lasting 150 hours. The contest is open until April 11, 2022...
Cooperation with the University of Information Technology ViSite from Zagreb is deepening. Work on the SCADA system brought together the academic staff in a day-long workshop.
The promotion of the book will be held in the Banski dvor Cultural Center on Monday, March 28 at 6:00 p.m. We invite all students and professors of "Banja Luka College" to magnify this event.
"Management of innovative entrepreneurial ventures" is a book intended primarily for students of "Banja Luka College", but also for all those who are thinking about entrepreneurial ventures. Prof. Dr. Svetlana Dušanić - Gačić presented important facts for young economists who plan to...
"The Sin of Forgetting", a book published by "Banja Luka College" and "Besjeda" Publishing House, perpetuated the long period of creation of prof. Dr. Nenad Novaković. His versatility and desire for something new, different, more beautiful is reflected in this collection of selected works. Novakovic is...
All students who are interested in participating in the Political Academy of the German Friedrich Ebert Foundation can apply for the just-announced Competition for participants of the seventeenth generation of Academy participants, which this Foundation organizes in cooperation with the Center for Student Democracy and Spa...
Na Banja Luka College-u održava se osma po redu Preduzetnička akademija a u okviru promocije preduzetništva i društveno odgovornog poslovanja. Akademija je organizovana u 7 modula u ukupnom trajanju 56 časova. Polaznici Akademije su studenti Banja Luka College-a i drugih …
Our students Sergej Bjelošević and Andrej Petković who, in addition to the academic knowledge they acquire at Banjaluka College, also show great interest in practical work in the Avatar studio from Laktaš. As a result of their interest, together with their professor Zoran Gazibarić, they visited the graphic arts fair...