ERASMUS + 1 – Bilateral agreements List of agreements with other higher education institutions Tabela sporazumi sa drugim VSU Заключение Минобрнауки_Колледж г.Баня-Луки (Босния и Герцеговина) Rusija SP (2) Rusija SP (3) Memorandum o saradnji – Banja Luka College 2 – Erasmus + agreements Prima University Skopje University of Jaen Inertia Digital Belgrade Polytechnic Everyone Banja Luka College_ISEP 3 – Agreements on business and technical cooperation Business and technical cooperation with business entities Tabela- Poslovno-tehnička saradnja Elnos d.o.o. Banja Luka Euphoria marketing Banja Luka Kaligraf d.o.o. Zagreb Koledz kozmetologije i estetike Sporazum Svetionik Banja Luka Banja Luka College_ISEP