The Proceedings of the Media and Economy Conference was again confirmed this year with a high Ipmact factor, having passed international evaluation.
Visit to the Center for Foreign Languages of the University of Jaén, (Centro de Estudios Avanzados en Lenguas Modernas, Universidad de Jaén). The welcome and tour of the campus and faculty was facilitated by the director of the Center, Professor Antonio Bueno González
Professors of the "Banja Luka College" on an exchange of teaching staff in Jaen, Spain. #erasmus #spania #jaen #blc
"Banja Luka College" celebrated its birthday in the Concert Hall of the Cultural Center Banski dvor with an evening of FRENCH CHANSONS - Concert by the duo LES CHANSONS INOUBLIABLES. This duo consists of guitarists Jovan Đorđević (professor of French language and literature, singer and guitarist) ...
Dear teachers, colleagues and students, We inform you that BLC in the period from 11.07.2022. until September 3, 2022. to work on reduced working hours: weekdays from 09:00 to 17:00, Saturdays from 09:00 to 12:00. From Monday, 09/05/2022. …
BLC students Teodora Đukić, Jelena Jeftenić and Jan Teskeredžić are participants of this year's Summer School at the Faculty of Economics and Informatics in Novi Mesto, Slovenia. Participants will perfect the creation of a business plan, visit important companies and landmarks.
"Banja Luka College" has signed an Erasmus+ contract with the University of Jaen from Spain. Cooperation was agreed upon for the exchange of both students and non-academic and academic staff. Cooperation refers to the fields of electrical engineering, information technology, industrial engineering, management and public ...
Attention!!! Short application deadline!!! In accordance with the signed Inter-Institutional Agreement with the University of Jaen, Spain, a call for scholarship mobility of teaching and non-teaching staff is announced. The competition is open to teaching and non-teaching staff of the "Banja Luka College" All documents...