Alexandra the Magyar
VOICE OF SERBIA JOURNALIST Alekdandra Madžar, born in Banja Luka, 21.7. 1987, where I finished primary and secondary school.
The four years I spent studying at BLC were the first major educational and life school for me. I especially enjoyed the freedom of personal expression, which we were able to show through creative subjects and great professors on the Management in Culture course.
I had the opportunity to immediately apply the acquired knowledge in practice, because I was given the opportunity to write for student magazines and host a show on "College Radio". During my studies, I published a book of poetry and prose "Žedan dlan", which was helped by the administration of this higher education institution.
For two years, I have been working as a journalist in "Glas Srpska" in the culture newsroom. Before that, I worked as a culture manager at the City Theater "Jazavac".[:]