1. You are the first BLC students to experience what it means to exchange students in Bologna. What is your experience?

Bajić: Yes, I am the first BLC student who went on a student exchange to Zagreb, to the University of Information Technologies (VSite). My experience is perfect in every sense of the word. An unforgettable experience where I learned a lot in five months, both in terms of this field I'm studying and life in general. Everything was even more interesting and uncertain for me because I came to a city where I literally knew no one and where I researched and managed everything by myself.

2. Do you think that the exchange enriched you more than if you had stayed at your home university for all four years?

Bajić: Of course it is. In every sense, this exchange enriched me. I made new friends, learned a lot of new things that are important for my life in general. A change of environment is always good.

3. It took courage to take a step towards mobility and attend a semester in another country. What difficulties did you encounter?

Bajić: When I saw the competition for student mobility and the opportunity to maybe spend a semester in another country, another city, another faculty, I thought a lot about it. And when the competition came out, I decided that I would still try and started collecting the paperwork. I was a little skeptical due to the fact that I was in my first year at the time I applied, because students with higher years also had the opportunity to apply, and therefore more subjects passed and perhaps a better grade point average than I had. But luck seems to have looked at me.

I had the most difficulty with finding an apartment. And that was my biggest problem. I was looking for an apartment from the moment I found out I got the scholarship until ten days before I left, about three months. As for the college itself, at first I was a little worried about whether I would fit in, but I got rid of that worry very quickly.

4. Would you recommend to your colleagues not to miss the opportunities offered to them in the form of mobility?

Bajić: Of course, I would recommend to my colleagues to take advantage of their student status and to take advantage of the opportunities offered to them in the form of mobility to universities in other countries and cities. Because that experience will bring them a lot that they wouldn't have the opportunity to learn, see, etc.

5. Given that you have also experienced studying at a public university, what are the differences between one and the other?

Bajić: Yes, I was at a public university and the differences are enormous. A lot of people, mostly students, have no idea what it's like at private colleges and what the study conditions are like. They make a lot of conclusions based on other people's opinions and assumptions, which I think is wrong. The "rating" of individual faculties is greatly affected by the mass appearance of private faculties that do not provide good teaching quality, but I think that quality always comes to the fore sooner or later. I think that even young high school students turned more towards private colleges after finishing high school because they hear a lot of negative experiences from public colleges every day, which is also shown by the data on the number of students enrolled in public universities for the past few years.

I saw for myself and I can admit that I am really positively surprised. We have all the conditions and if we want to work hard, we have incredible support from professors, and I say this from personal experience. Perhaps a big advantage for me is that I experienced what a public university is like and what the system is like at those universities, so when I switched to a private university, I appreciate the conditions offered to me here a lot more and I have a great will and motivation to work harder. and devote myself to this field that I am studying.

6. What are the differences between studying in BiH and the EU?

Bajić: The biggest differences are in the way of studying and that students in the EU have a lot more opportunities for mobility and improvement during their studies. Plenty of paid internships that can be found every day, regardless of the year of study, and it's a little harder to find here.
In the EU, school fees and life are much more expensive than in Bosnia and Herzegovina, but again when our students come from a bad standard to a better one, the difference is felt.

7. Based on your experience, what could be your message to current and future students?

Bajić: My message to current and future students is to take advantage of every opportunity that is presented to them during their studies because it will only contribute to their development in every segment.

Mobility and a change of environment for a long period of time greatly contribute to the development of personality and various abilities, and therefore there is a chance to open up opportunities that you could not even think of before the student exchange.