Description of the course
In today's fluid media system, new media and multimedia play a key role in modern journalism. A successful journalist must be able to convey information and story across different platforms while respecting the integrity and ethics of journalism. Whether the medium is text, audio, photography or video, the ability to develop a story and report, as well as the skills learned form the basis of a media message. This course is designed to engage students in creative, practical and contemporary thinking about journalism and multimedia. In addition to professional knowledge and competences, students simultaneously acquire theoretical and practical knowledge that connects journalism and the digital world and the world of traditional media and enables students to create quality stories that will reach their audience through different media.
From the very beginning of their studies, students have the chance to gain the necessary practical knowledge and experience working in the media by working on student radio. College radio is the only student radio station in the Republic of Srpska, whose slogan is: "Laughter against stress, truth against deception". The radio program is created jointly by students and teachers of BLC. Students develop creative abilities and acquire practical knowledge that is necessary for them to work professionally as graduated journalists, producers, managers in the media after graduation.
The Journalism and Multimedia course provides students with competent knowledge for working in organizations such as: media organizations (television, radio, newspapers, publishing activities, production companies), marketing and advertising agencies, cultural institutions and organizations, PR services and marketing departments of companies, organizations dealing with new media and online publishing, etc. Upon completion of your studies, you will receive the title of graduate journalist and employment opportunities in the aforementioned organizations will open up before you.
After completing the four-year study, the student acquires the title of Graduate Journalist - 240 ECTS credits.
Upon completion of the basic academic studies in Journalism and Multimedia, students have the opportunity to continue their studies at graduate academic studies of the second degree - master's studies anywhere in Bosnia and Herzegovina and abroad.
Course details
- Curriculum 0
- Semestri 0
- Case number
- ECTS bodovi All levels
- Semester 8
- Group 0
- Teachers Yes