Description of the course
The Graphic Design and Visual Communications study program is intended for those who want to translate their interests in this part of applied art, as well as their creativity and talent, into visual forms that will have both artistic value and application in practice.
This study program relies on both modern technologies and traditional knowledge in the field of art. The combination of knowledge of visual culture and the necessary software packages creates experts who will fully respond to the challenges of contemporary design.
Adobe Photoshop, Illustrator, InDesign are among the basic software that is studied during studies and applied through many exercises on real examples from practice in the graphic studio of BLC. In addition, students will be familiar with programs such as FontLab, Studio5, 3dsMax, Adobe Premier, After Effects and others during their studies. Upon completion of basic studies, students do not need additional training in any field, because they already have all the necessary skills and knowledge.
In this program, you will learn everything about the design of printed promotional material, posters, billboards, business haberdashery, packaging, then about the design of textile applications, press preparation, corporate identity design, book and brochure layout, graphic equipment for books. You will be trained to create everything that makes up the image of a company, i.e. its corporate identity (creating a logo, book of standards, design of complete promotional material, such as brochures, posters, pamphlets, catalogs, flyers). You will learn how to create, create and maintain a brand.
The packaging sells the product. Graphic packaging design is the most demanding and important part of the packaging design process. On this program, you will master all the details related to packaging design, whether it is cardboard or PVC packaging, food or other consumer products.
You must have noticed interesting billboards in the city and remembered the best ones. Billboards have been known worldwide for decades as a high-quality and highly profitable form of advertising. They are placed in visible positions and have a large format. We cannot imagine big cities without big billboards. Become an expert in billboard design and secure a well-paid job.
We at BLC introduce you to the world of graphic design and visual communications in a strategically planned, focused and professional way. The basic methodology of the work is based on academic education through subjects related to art and professional education through subjects related to the use of modern technologies and tools.
By attending courses in drawing and painting, design, graphics and photography, your foundations for entering the world of graphic design and visual communications gain a new dimension. With a professional approach, we ignite your desire for learning and advancement, we expand your knowledge in the field of application of popular technologies that materialize your ideas and give wings to your creations.
We offer you the opportunity to act creatively and give you the framework to show your skills at the exhibitions of your works that we organize for you. We offer you the opportunity to show your skill and knowledge in the graphic and technical design of the College magazine published by our faculty. We offer you the opportunity to measure color and its reproduction with spectrophotometric measuring devices of the latest generation, whether it is monitor calibration or color control in printed reproduction. We teach you the skills and give you the competence to practice graphic design and visual communications.
Upon completion of studies, graduates will be able to meet the demands of design work and creativity, for work in publishing and printing, media, industry and other requirements that await them in professional practice. By mastering this study program, the student is qualified to work as a graphic designer, as well as in the jobs performed by a web designer, print and other media designer, identity and branding designer, poster and billboard designer, independent designer, marketing manager.
After completing the four-year study, the student obtains the title of Graduate Graphic Designer - 240 ECTS credits.
Upon completion of the basic academic studies in the Graphic Design and Visual Communications program, students have the opportunity to continue their studies at graduate academic studies of the second degree - master's studies anywhere in Bosnia and Herzegovina and abroad.
- Nastavni plan (+syllabus)_Grafički dizajn i vizuelne komunikacije 240 ECTS 2024_25
- CURRICULUM study program Graphic Design and Visual Communications 240 ECTS 2024_25
- Odluka Lista izbornih predmeta GD
- MATRICA eksternih referentnih tačaka obrazovnih ishoda
- Odluka Senata o izbornim predmetima na Grafičkom dizajnu
Izbor ili nastavak studija jedna je od važnijih odluka u životu. Alumnijima BLC-a omogućeno je studiranje na drugom ciklusu studija na Univerzitetu za poslovne studije na Fakultetu za informacione tehnologije i dizajn. Sve informacije dostupne su https://univerzitetps.com/ii-ciklus-studija/
Course details
- Curriculum 0
- Semestri 0
- Case number
- ECTS bodovi All levels
- Semester 8
- Group 0
- Teachers Yes